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We accelerate ZKP

Supercharging the rise of Zero Knowledge
Processing Units (ZPU™)

Jevons Paradox:  When technological progress increases the efficiency of a resource, but the falling cost increases its demand, thereby increasing, rather than reducing, its use.We anticipate Zero Knowledge Proof technology to follow Jevons Effect.   




Ingonyama means Lion.
Our mission is to lead the pack, forging the foundation upon which applications requiring Zero Knowledge Proof performance may be built at greater speed and scale.

ZK is a fundamental technology for trustless computing.

We envision a future in which ZKP hardware is integrated everywhere - from large organization’s data centers to mobile phones, from blockchain nodes to gaming machines, and from cloud instances to IoT devices. The hardware we develop is a key to enable this future. 

Accordingly, it's our duty to nourish a culture that celebrates tackling the impossible, flexibility of design, and the hard work necessary as we identify and resolve computational bottlenecks in ZK Proofs. 

Our aim is to bring Zero Knowledge Processing units (ZPU™) to mass adoption, lowering the barrier of entry to ZK.

We live by principles of brutal transparency and honesty. To walk the talk - delivering high quality only, or nothing at all. Bottom line, we’re on a quest to drive Jevons Effect, making ZK Proofs inexpensive, accessible, and fast.


In the semiconductor jungle you’re either top of the food chain, or someone else’s lunch.

Are you a lion?