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ZK Accelerate Athens: RECAP & link hub

Published on: 
Apr 25, 2024

On April 11, 2024 Ingonyama hosted ZK Accelerate Athens, a full day of content focused on ZK engineering and product.

Shahar Papini from Starkware presents: STWO Performance

ZKAA was sponsored by no fewer than 17 teams focused on ZK innovation and preceded by ZKSummit11, which took place at a nearby venue the previous day. Over 450 people signed up to attend, and our enthusiastic audience was treated to a wide-ranging array of technical talks, panels, discussions, and demonstrations by various teams and builders.

Panel: ZK X-factors in hardware, software and research

The continuation of our ZKA conference series is a direct result of the success of our inaugural ZK Accelerate event, which was held in Istanbul during Devconnect 2023. Below are links and attributions to each talk, panel and demo, and a breakdown of ZKAA by the numbers.

16 Technical Talks & Demos

Tony Wu shares his ZPrize 2023 1st place winning R&D

3 Panels

Trailblazers with different viewpoints engaged in debates, shared insights, and thought-provoking discussions.

ZK X-factors in Hardware, Software and Research

  • ​Moderated by Lance Davis | Giza Tech
  • ZeroKPunk | Orbiter Finance
  • Diego Kingston | LambdaClass
  • ​Ben Livshits | Matter Labs
  • Brandon Kase | Mina Protocol

ZK Outside of Blockchain

  • ​Moderated by Hamid Salehi | AMD
  • ​​Francesca Martina | ZKPass
  • Victor Graf | Risc Zero
  • Mauro Toscano | Aligned

Crypto X AI

  • ​Moderated by Omer Shlomovits | Ingonyama
  • Roshan Raghupathy | Marlin
  • Guy Zyskind | Fhenix
  • Junda Liu | Brevis
Courtyard at lunch break

The success of ZK Accelerate was a testament to the growing interest and development in the ZK space. As a hardware company, Ingonyama strives to set new benchmarks for the Zero-Knowledge community, and ZKAA was no exception! See you at the next one 🇹🇭


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Ingonyama is commited to developing hardware for a private future using Zero Knowledge Proofs.

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